Friday 8 May 2015

General Election 2015 Results. Conservatives Win! It's 5 More Years Of Hell Under David Cameron

It's all over now, or at least we'll soon wish it was - life I mean.

The UK General Election is over, the Tory Party won with a majority of 331 seats, 51% of the votes.
Or more accurately, Rupert Murdoch performed brilliantly by winning this election.
And if you thought things in Britain were bad before the general election, I fear it's about to get a lot worse.

Unfortunately the result of the general election 2015 turned out to be exactly what I'd expected.
The right-wing media have done Dave proud, all of their negative press about Ed Miliband worked; he's out, and Cameron is in.

I actually wrote this blog post in my semi-asleep state last night in bed. I couldn't sleep, so I wrote a blog post about David Cameron, the Conservatives, winning the General Election 2015.
This was before the results had been announced, obviously. That's how sure I was that Dave would be the Prime Minister of Britain.
The blog post I wrote was, in my opinion, very good; it was witty, and short - just one paragraph; about 7 lines of text.
And yet when I woke-up this morning, having finally managed to fall asleep, I couldn't remember my blog post at all. Frustrating for me, and unfortunate for you dear reader if you are reading this longer than intended blog post.
Oh well, whatever!

The End is Nigh......

So, back to the result of the general election 2015.
I am saddened and disappointed by many things about this general election, one of which is the way Britain has adopted an American attitude to voting. It seems that instead of the electorate concentrating on the policies each of the political parties stands for, and deciding which party to vote for accordingly, they are more concerned with the party leaders. If they don't like the leader, they don't vote for the party.
We should not be voting for a person because of their personality or good looks, or lack of either or both, we should vote for the party who most fits our ideas of how things should be governed.

Quite frankly I couldn't give a feck what their personality is like, I mean it's not important to me that I like the party leaders. Yes, it's good if I like them, but if not, so what - it's whether I agree with their policies that's important to me. As it should be with every voter.
It should be about the job they are doing, not whether they are considered good-looking, ugly, fat, thin, scruffy etc.

I am convinced that with David Cameron remaining in Number 10, and not as part of an unelected coalition this time, but as the Prime Minister alone, he will wreak havoc on Britain.
If you want proof, it's only been a matter of hours since Cameron won the general election, and there are three more people who have lost their jobs.

I am of course referring to the resignations of Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage, and Ed Miliband.

I know I've said it before, in the two blog posts I posed prior to this blog post, but I'll say it again - our whole political system is buggered, it needs a serious shake-up to sort it out.
But now that the Conservatives are in sole control of the sheep, I doubt it'll happen. I mean the current system suits them fine, more than fine- without it they wouldn't have won.

For example Nicola Sturgeon SNP, received 1.5 million votes, and gained 56 seats.
UKIP, received 4 million votes, and gained 1 seat.
As I have also said in previous blog posts I am not a UKIP supporter, and I'm not a mathematician either, but I don't have to be to work-out that that's ridiculous.
UKIP should quite clearly have more than 1 seat - a lot more.

I didn't stay up all night watching the general election news, mainly because I knew that David Cameron was set to remain in Downing Street, but I did spend quite a long time scrolling the #GE2015 tweets on twitter.
The general consensus is that we're fecked!
Yep, having a Conservative government for the next 5 years is not good news.
Obviously the Tory supporters were pretty quiet on twitter, well, they would be wouldn't they? They've won, they don't need to comment.
But the labour supporters comments were being tweeted about a hundred times faster than I could read them - and retweet them. I'm going to be very busy deleting all of my tweets, again, having recently deleted 11,000 of them, and taken what I intended to be a permanent break from twitter - it's bad for my health - gets me all riled-up, and is often way too negative.
But I couldn't resist taking a peek at twitter last night because I know it's the place to go online when I want to know what's going on, it's far more up-to-date than any other news outlets.

I must have read hundreds of tweets about the general election 2015, most of which were scarily true, some of which were funny, and others which were seriously sad.

There's one thing the tweets, as different as they were all worded, had in common - Britain is set for trouble.
Things are going to get worse. A lot lot worse. There is no silver lining.

Here's roughly what a lot of people were saying about the Conservatives winning this general election -

  • Now the Tory party are in Number 10 for the next 5 years, you'd better pray you're not poor, disabled, ill, or a pensioner. 
  • Real result of this election - too many trees died for so little purpose.
  • Labour should have repeatedly shouted, “We are anti-austerity, unlike the Tories!'' 
  • I'm off to bed. Call me up in five years. 
  • This election result is a victory for the establishment, whose intense media campaign has worked. The number of people using food-banks, and the number of homeless people will increase dramatically, an no doubt so will the number of suicides by people who are so desperate and without hope. 
  • For the next 5 years there will be lots more theft, and many more deaths. 
  • The national debt will rapidly rise to an obscene level, as will the number of billionaires. 
  • David Cameron obviously underestimated just how thick the British public were, until today, the look of shock on his face that he'd won outright says it all.
  • The general election 2015 was a shamocracy!
So, yep, that's it - it's all over.
What do you think we've got to look forward to?
I think they'll be more money wasted on Trident, more charities having to set-up food-banks, the NHS will continue be sold off, more people will become homeless, the bankers will become even more corrupt and rich, and it wouldn't surprise me in America phones Number 10 and demands we enter into another war somewhere, and benefits will be lowered to a disturbingly low rate.
Although I'm certain the biggest benefits claimants, by which I mean scroungers, will be perfectly fine. I am of course referring to the family who cost Britain the most money - the royal family. But that's a slightly different topic so I'll say no more.

Anyway, that's just a few things that instantly come to mind, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to think too deeply about it all just yet - I haven't had any wine yet today.

Seriously though, I dread to imagine what is going to happen now.
I am genuinely concerned for the poor, the vulnerable, and all of the people who will be seriously negatively affected by having David Cameron and the Tory party in power for the next 5 years.
Just writing that last sentence sent a shudder down my spine.
The end is not nigh - it's here!
Feel free to express your thoughts in the comments.
Are you pleased that David Cameron is to remain in Number 10?
Do you think it's a good thing for Britain that the Conservatives will be running things for the next 5 years?

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