Wednesday 14 May 2014

Serious Warning about Drinking Alcohol and Pregnancy

Drinking alcohol may completely change your life.

Funny sign we saw outside a pub in Blackpool. 

Actually I'm pretty sure it's sex that produces babies, but then again the most fertile couple I've ever known were serious drinkers, so maybe alcohol increases your fertility and can cause pregnancy. ;)

They, by whom I mean the medical profession, say that not smoking, or being overweight, as well as eating a healthy diet, and not drinking alcohol to excess is the best way to conceive a baby. 
I'm not sure that they are correct.
Of all the people I have known who were trying to conceive, it was always the healthy ones who had trouble, while the people who smoked, ate crap, and drank lots of alcohol were able to get pregnant easily.
I think a lot of the government guidelines are just guesswork, and implemented as yet another way to try and control us.
Ha! I only intended to post the photo of the pub blackboard along with a couple of sentences, but as usual I've rambled on, and wandered slightly off topic.
Oh well, I blame the government for making me feel the need to rebell. ;)

Disclaimer: Just to make it clear, I am not suggesting that anyone becomes an alcoholic in order to conceive. ;)

Has alcohol increased the size of your family? And I don't mean increasing waistlines from the calories of the booze. :d 
Or is that too personal a question? Hehe! 

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