Tuesday 1 April 2014

Stir-Fry and Banana Bread Beer


I have way too many photos on my camera roll, mainly of food and our dog, so I've been sitting here looking through them and trying to delete some of them.
I intended to delete at least a few hundred photos, but for some reason I can't do it.
I mean I can do it, the delete function on my phone works. I just can't do it for some other reason. Not that I know that that reason it.
It may be because I'm old enough to remember when photos were shot on real film and we didn't have all this digital technology at at fingertips. So I feel as if I am wasting something tangible when I click delete. Even though I know I'm not.
So, as I'm obviously not in the mood to delete even just one photo, let alone hundreds of them, I thought I'd do the next best thing - share them on this blog. Hehe! Waste not want not.
I always share my photos to my flickr account before adding them to my blog posts, so as I will have them stored in multiple places online, that may help me hit delete - just not today.

After all that rambling I have obviously built it up way too much. Try not to get over excited.
As after all that nonsense, the photo I am uploading to this blog post is a food shot, of a prawn, mushroom, and mixed vegetable stir-fry, a delicious lunch cooked by Mr.R ages ago.
From the photo it's obvious that we washed it down with a Banana bread beer. Lovely!

Prawn, Mushroom, and Mixed Vegetable Stir-Fry

Stir-Fry is one of our favourite meals, as we love vegetables.
Do you like stir-fry? What's your favourite ingredient?

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